New Apostolic Church USA



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Fixed Income for Retirement

Fixed Income for Retirement

After working for decades as a pediatrician in a small rural town, Patricia was ready to retire.

Patricia: I bought some stock a number of years ago and overall this was a good investment for me. However, I was uncertain about leaving my savings in the market where I knew it could go up or down.

I was also looking for security for my retirement years. Ideally, I wanted to know that I would have the income I needed and that it would not change with the markets.

Patricia talked to a friend who had found a good choice. Her friend had set up a gift annuity with her favorite charity. Patricia thought that perhaps a gift annuity would be helpful for her.

Patricia: I called and asked about a gift annuity. I was very pleased to discover that I would receive a good payout based on my age. Plus, there would be a charitable tax deduction and part of the income would be tax free.

I transferred my stock for a charitable gift annuity. I was delighted with the fixed payment I received. I avoided part of the capital gains tax and my CPA was pleased that my charitable deduction will save taxes this year. With my tax savings and increased income, I plan to spend more on my grandchildren this year!

*Please note: The name and image above is representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since your gift annuity benefits may be different, you may want to click here to view a color example of your benefits.


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